Weight Management

IVIM Health Reviews For Weight loss & GLP-1. Is It Legit?

Girisha Bharadwaj
Girisha Bharadwaj3 Aug 2024
Reviewed and Fact Checked ✔️

Ivím Health is a telehealth service specializing in personalized weight loss programs through the prescription of GLP-1 medications. Their offerings are designed to provide comprehensive, individualized care, leveraging advanced technology to ensure accessibility and effectiveness.

Where is Ivim Available?

Ivím is available in 49 states (Mississippi excluded) and Washington DC.

Get compounded Semaglutide for as little as $150/month. Available to all Mira members. Click here to learn more.

Monthly Costs for GLP-1 Programs at Ivím Health

Monthly Programs

Name of DrugWeekly Dose RangeMedication CostMembership CostTotal Monthly Cost
Compounded SemaglutideAll doses$299$74.99$373.99
Compounded Tirzepatide2.5-5 mg$399$74.99$473.99
Compounded Tirzepatide7.5-10 mg$399$74.99$473.99
Compounded Tirzepatide12.5-15 mg$599$74.99$673.99

3-Month Programs

Name of Drug and Weekly DoseMedication Cost (One-Time Upfront)Membership Cost (Monthly x3)Total Cost for 3 Months
Compounded Semaglutide Jump Start$525$224.97$749.97
Compounded Semaglutide 1.00 mg Maintenance$597$224.97$821.97
Compounded Semaglutide 2.50 mg Maintenance$597$224.97$821.97
Compounded Semaglutide Max Dose Completion$1497$224.97$1721.97
Compounded Tirzepatide Jump Start$897$224.97$1121.97
Compounded Tirzepatide 5 mg$897$224.97$1121.97
Compounded Tirzepatide 10 mg$997$224.97$1221.97
Compounded Tirzepatide 15 mg$1497$224.97$1721.97
Compounded Tirzepatide Max Dose Completion$1497$224.97$1721.97

Additional Medications (Optional Add-ons)

Lipotropic (Fat Burner) (4 mL)$79/month
Lipotropic (Fat Burner) (10 mL)$99/month
Sermorelin (Body Sculpting)$99/month
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Girisha Bharadwaj

Girisha is a second-year graduate student at Columbia University, pursuing a Master's in Public Health. She is excited to combine her passion for Public Health and writing with the hopes of delivering quality health information, one article at a time!

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