
2024 NY Tech Week Guide for Early Stage Founders

Mira Research Team
Mira Research Team12 May 2024
Reviewed and Fact Checked ✔️

NY Tech Week features a packed schedule tailored for early-stage startup founders, starting with Monday's events focused on VC networking and tech discussions. Mid-week highlights include workshops on brand-specific GPT models and strategies for sales and investor relations, while the week concludes with specialized events celebrating diversity in tech and fostering local community ties. Each day offers valuable opportunities for founders to network, learn, and collaborate across various aspects of the startup ecosystem.

Plan your week

How to best network with other founders and VCs?


  • Prepare a casual 30-second pitch: this is not something every founder loves to do but it is necessary for high-volume interactions. Try to use an analogy, for example, “[Company] is building Amazon for X” or “Imagine if you work in X career and facing Y problem, we are helping you solve Y by ….”
  • Be vulnerable: it is tough right now and it's ok to be a little vulnerable and share your struggles. People find comfort in being real and offer genuine advice.
  • Invite other people into the “circle”: this one is not obvious people often form circles at events and people will have such a good impression of you if you invite other people into the circle or offer to introduce them to someone you spoke to.


  • Treat every interaction as a fundraising opportunity: the best sales pitch isn't a sale pitch, people don't want to be sold to constantly. It is important to find the right space and time if you want to fundraise.
  • Avoid VCs who passed on your company: business is not personal, if you see someone who passed on your company and you haven't met in person, introducing yourself in person speaks volumes to your character!
  • Gossip: people love getting sensitive information for free but they don't necessarily think highly of those who divulge them.
  • Get too drunk: all parties are still professional events, it is important to control how much alcohol you have and leave early if you feel tipsy.
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