How Can I Get Catastrophic Health Insurance When Above 30 Years Old?

Typically, only people under 30 can buy such a plan. Those over 30 may be allowed to enroll if they qualify for an exemption. Qualifying for a catastrophic health insurance plan often requires an individual to meet specific requirements such as homelessness, eviction, or bankruptcy.
Types of Exemptions Available
Catastrophic health plans are only available for people over 30 if they qualify for an exemption from the age criteria. There are two types of exemptions that you can apply for.
Types of Exemptions For Getting Catastrophic Health Insurance Over 30
Affordability Exemption | This exemption aims to help those who cannot afford a health insurance plan.
One may qualify for this exemption when the cheapest health coverage option available to them (through the Marketplace or their employer) costs more than 8.09 percent of their household income. |
Hardship Exemption | This exemption aims to help those suffering from financial hardship and other life circumstances that affect their ability to get health insurance of any kind. Below are examples of what counts as hardship:

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Girisha is a second-year graduate student at Columbia University, pursuing a Master's in Public Health. She is excited to combine her passion for Public Health and writing with the hopes of delivering quality health information, one article at a time!