
Best Eye Drops for Dry Eyes - Allergy Eye Drop, Artificial Tears, and Prescriptions

Jasiah Hasan
Jasiah Hasan14 Apr 2024
Reviewed and Fact Checked ✔️

Dry eyes can be a frustrating and irritating experience during allergy season. However, there are many ways to manage and treat dry eyes. You can use over-the-counter remedies and prescription treatments. Additionally, you can consult an eye care professional for a personalized treatment plan and make important lifestyle changes to alleviate your symptoms. 

You can employ multiple strategies to manage dry eye symptoms during allergy season. This section will discuss over-the-counter options, home remedies, prescription treatments, and personalized treatment plans from eye care specialists. You can choose what works for you based on the severity of your symptoms.

6 Best Over-the-counter (OTC) Allergy Eye Drops

OTC treatments for dry eye include decongestant or antihistamine allergy eye drops, artificial tears, and oral antihistamines. You can access these treatments at most pharmacies or retail stores. 

Eye drops provide quick relief by preventing the release of histamine and other chemicals that cause allergy symptoms, such as redness, itchiness, and dryness. The relief usually lasts for a few hours, so most products must be used multiple times per day. To use these products effectively, use them before exposure to an allergen.

The table below outlines some of the best OTC eye drops for allergies. Prolonged usage of these products can actually exacerbate pre-existing dry eye by washing away your natural tears. Use these eye drops only as directed.

Product NamePriceActive Ingredient(s)

Alaway Antihistamine Eye Drops


$18 for 20mLKetotifen: a mast-cell stabilizing agent that prevents histamine production and itching for extended periods; and an antihistamine that treats existing inflammation caused by histamines and quickly relieves itching.

Pataday Once Daily Relief

$15-22 for 2.5mL

Olopatadine: an antihistamine that treats existing inflammation caused by histamines and quickly relieves itching.


Visine Allergy Eye Relief

$10-11 for 30mL

Naphazoline: a decongestant with vasoconstrictors that narrow swollen blood vessels to reduce eye redness.

Pheniramine: an antihistamine that reduces the effects of histamine and other irritating chemicals.

Zaditor Antihistamine Eye Drops

$19-$23 for 10mLKetotifen: a mast-cell stabilizing agent that prevents histamine production and itching for extended periods of time; and an antihistamine that treats existing inflammation caused by histamines and quickly relieves itching.

Naphcon-A Eye Drops

$11 for 15mL

Naphazoline: a decongestant with vasoconstrictors that narrow swollen blood vessels to reduce eye redness.

Pheniramine: an antihistamine that reduces the effects of histamine and other irritating chemicals.


$17-$21 for 5mLAlcaftadine: a mast-cell stabilizing agent that prevents histamine production and itching for extended periods of time; and an antihistamine that treats existing inflammation caused by histamines and quickly relieves itching.

Source: Mira

4 Best Artificial Tears For Dry Eyes

Artificial tears are lubricant eye drops that do not contain any antihistamines, decongestants, or preservatives, which means they do not actually treat allergies. Instead, artificial tears provide relief for dryness that is caused by allergies. You can think of artificial tears as a “bandaid solution” for your seasonal allergies. 

Unlike allergy eye drops, artificial tears can be used as needed and more often. They are ideal for sensitive eyes.

Product NamePriceActive Ingredient(s)

Systane Ultra Lubricant Eye Drops


$27 for 42mL

Polyethylene glycol and propylene glycol: ingredients that help add moisture to the eyes and nasal passages to treat dryness and irritation caused by allergies, colds, and dry room air.


Biotrue Hydration Boost Eye Drops


$12.99 for 10mLGlycerin: a natural lubricating ingredient found in tears that hydrates eyes and protects them from further dryness and irritation.
Refresh Tears Lubricant Eye Drops$15.57 for 30mLCarboxymethylcellulose sodium: an eye lubricant that keeps eyes moist, protects eyes from injury, and infection, and decreases dry eye symptoms like burning or itching.
Thera Tears Dry Eye Therapy$18.33 for 30mLCarboxymethylcellulose sodium: an eye lubricant that keeps eyes moist, protects eyes from injury, and infection, and decreases dry eye symptoms like burning or itching.

Sources: Mira, Biotrue, Refresh Tears, Thera Tears  

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Jasiah Hasan

Jasiah Hasan is from Portland, Oregon. She is completing her Master's in Public Health in global health policy at George Washington University. Outside of health equity and women's health, Jasiah is passionate about writing and dreams of one-day publishing poetry books.

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