How do I sign up for health insurance using Covered California?

Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Californians can purchase health insurance with or without financial help from the state-run exchange, Covered California. This article walks you through navigating the health insurance marketplace step-by-step. We'll use a fictional profile of a single 27-year-old independent contractor (hey, maybe you are!) with no kids looking to enroll for coverage.
Signing Up for an ACA Plan in California using Covered California
When the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010, states had the option to offer enrollment through a federally-operated exchange, such as, or create state-run health insurance. Covered California is one of the 17 states that made their own exchange, offering access to affordable, brand-name health insurance to over 1.8 million Californians. Many Covered California users are freelancers, independent contractors, and other people who don't have staff.
You can apply with Covered California online, with a certified enroller, or by phone. By visiting this Mira article, you can familiarize yourself with recurring insurance terms that will pop up throughout your process.

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Regine Roquia is a Masters of Public Health Candidate at New York University studying Public Health Policy & Management. She is passionate about creating the culture she wishes to see by working to increase health literacy.