
How Much Does Teething Whitening Cost Without Insurance?

Alexandra Thompson
Alexandra Thompson22 Mar 2023
Reviewed and Fact Checked ✔️

Teeth whitening can be a great way to improve your smile without serious dental work. Teeth whitening is an effective way to lighten your teeth and remove stains without altering the surface of your teeth. Multiple whitening options can be done at home or your dentist’s office. However, because this is a cosmetic procedure, teeth whitening is not covered by insurance, and the out-of-pocket cost can range between $10 and $1,180.  

Cost of At-Home and In-Office Teeth Whitening  

Typically, in-office treatments will be more expensive than over-the-counter options. However, it's important to note that in-office treatments are more effective and require less frequent upkeep than over-the-count strips and LED kits. The chart below highlights the price of each whitening option, time per session, upkeep frequency, and sensitivity.

Cost of Teeth Whitening Treatments

Type of Treatment Cost Upkeep 
In-Office $262-$1,180 Every 6 months to a year 
LED Kits $50-$300Few times a month 
Strips $10-$59 Few times a month 

Source: New Mouth

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Alexandra Thompson

Originally from Houston, Texas, Alexandra is currently getting her Master's in Public Health with a health policy certificate at Columbia University. One of her life goals is to own her own art gallery!

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