How to Hire Restaurant Employees in 4 Steps
The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly taken a toll on the restaurant industry. As states continue to open up, restaurant owners and managers are looking for ways to restore their workplace. The competition for employees is as fierce as ever, so in this article, we detail how to go about hiring employees to get your restaurant back on track.
Finding and offering employment isn’t enough to attract the best talent in today’s market. You can attract employees to return to work by providing essential health coverage to help you stand out from the competition. Mira for Employers can get your employees to access to urgent care visits, lab testing, and up to 80% savings on prescriptions for the low cost of $45 per month per employee.

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Alexis Bryan MPH, is a recent graduate of Columbia’s Mailman School of Public Health. She is passionate about increasing access to care to improve health outcomes. Outside of work, she loves to travel, read, and pay too much attention to her plants.