Mira For Business: Easier, More Flexible, More Affordable

As we transition into 2024, it's difficult to ignore the challenges businesses face around providing healthcare benefits as the costs continue to rise exponentially. This year, the average cost of covering a single employee's health insurance crossed the $849 per month threshold, making it a considerable strain for employers of all sizes.
Healthcare As A Benefits
In response to this, Mira is thrilled to announce the launch of our improved small business solution - Mira for Business – easy-to-use, flexible, and affordable way to provide a healthcare benefit for your team members. From part-time, to full-time, to contractors, Mira enables businesses to “turn on” healthcare at a price point that fits within your budget.
Our goal has always been to bridge the gap between rising healthcare costs and actually providing accessible healthcare services. Our new Mira for Employers product aims to be the solution to the problem of skyrocketing health insurance costs, offering employers a benefit that packages some of the most routinely used healthcare services and making them accessible to employees. Additionally, Mira’s pricing gives Employers the flexibility to offer this benefit not only to their full-time employees but even part-time employees and contractors. This unique offering can help increase employee satisfaction and drive retention at all levels within the business.

Get affordable doctor copay without paying insurance premiums
Join 39,000 people and get Mira, the best alternative to traditional insurance. Enroll and use immediately. Plans start at only $45/mo.

Shridhar leads product development at Mira. He graduated from the Anderson UCLA School of Business and worked at Triage Consulting and GoodRx.