Mira to welcome Fall 2022 cohort of interns

As a start-up, Mira has seen incredible growth since its inception. As we grow, we need to continue to expand our teams. This fall, we had over 275 applicants to fill four intern positions across the company. We’re happy to announce that we have hired three research interns and one intern for our product team.
Before applications rolled in, we had to consider the qualities we were looking for in our newest hires. We wanted to remain unbias in our search because we understood that we don't know everything and everyone should have the same opportunities to share their ideas. As we discussed our business needs, we considered all our current employees' traits. Narrowing down the common factors between us allowed us to select the strongest candidates.
Once hiring began, we looked for candidates with varied healthcare experiences. In the U.S., healthcare has been seen as a privilege, while we at Mira believe it should be a right. We wanted people who understood this on micro and macro levels.
Next, we sought out people who were ambitious and proactive. They don’t wait for the answers to come to them; they go searching for them.
Finally, we wanted people who are eager to be challenged and learn. Our company is growing, we often have to wear many hats to ensure we’re giving the quality we seek to provide, and our people take on tasks they may not be familiar with initially.
We found four individuals who displayed these qualities and more—introducing Regine Roquia, Shandra Ahsan, Michelle Fleming, and Ian Cataluna. Our teams are happy to have our newest members from different experiences and backgrounds.
Regine Roquia is currently getting her masters in Public Health, majoring in Public Health Policy and Management at New York University.
Shandra Ahsan is a Yale University student getting her Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering.
Michelle Fleming is studying Public Health and minoring in Health Communications at the University of Texas at Austin.
Finally, Ian Cataluna, our newest product team intern, is studying Public Health at John Hopkins University.
With almost 200 applicants for our research team and over 100 for our product team, it was hard to narrow down who we would move forward in the process. However, with our company culture in mind and knowing what we look for when hiring, we were able to do it. We welcome these 4 to the Mira team, and we look forward to seeing their impact on our company.

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Janelle is a Marketing Manager at Mira. She is excited to bring more accessible health care to the underinsured.