What Age Should I Get a Mammogram?

In general, women at the age of 40 should consider beginning annual screening mammograms. By age 45, it is recommended every woman start yearly screenings while women 55 and older should either continue with annual screening or switch to biennial screening–once every two years. It is important to consult with your doctor when the right time to start screening is for you.
Knowing how often and when to get a mammogram varies from person to person depending on age, family history, genetic predeposition, and more. Mira members have access to specialist and imaging referrals, virtual primary care, mental health therapy, and in-person urgent care. A membership with Mira is as low as $25 per month. Sign up today to get started.
Starting Signs of Breast Cancer
Every person will experience different symptoms of breast cancer, and some may not experience any signs at all. Some signs of breast cancer, according to the CDC include:
- Focal pain in the breast area
- Nipple discharge, including blood (does not have breast milk)
- New lump in the breast or underarm
- Thickening or swelling of the breast skin
- A change in the size or shape of the breast
- Redness or flaky skin around the nipple area or breast
- Irritation or dimpling of breast skin

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Erica graduated from Emory University in Atlanta with a BS in environmental science and a minor in English and is on track to graduate with her Master's in Public Health. She is passionate about health equity, women's health, and how the environment impacts public health.