Where Can I Get Affordable Health Care as a Bartender?

Since bartenders make most of their money through tips, they are rarely offered insurance from their employers unless it is a big company. Thus, you may be responsible for finding your health insurance, whether it is just for you or your family. Knowing your options and needs will help you find the best way to get health care without breaking the bank.
Health Care for Bartenders
Bartenders aren't the only ones who may find themselves in this situation. Those who are self-employed, freelancers, and anyone without health insurance can find themselves in the same position when looking for health coverage. There are options to buy health coverage plans through marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act. Still, they may be expensive, especially if you want insurance for your entire family. Depending on your household income, you may qualify for tax credits, which may help you afford federal or state marketplace plans. But there are multiple other options to get health care, so let’s discuss them.
Federal Marketplace or State Exchange
Open enrollment for health insurance has opened as of November 1, 2022, and will run through January 15, 2023. Depending on your state, your state may use its health insurance exchange or the federal health insurance marketplace. These health coverage plans are available through the Affordable Care Act.
The marketplace allows you to browse various health plans based on the insurance company, metal tier, and premium or deductible amounts. You can input your household information, including income and health needs, and whether you want individual or family coverage. Since the application through the marketplace requires you to estimate your yearly income, it may be hard to estimate since income varies greatly for bartenders.
Medicaid is a federal and state-funded program that provides insurance to low-income individuals and families, making it either free or low-cost and more affordable. There are mandatory benefits that states are required to provide, which include essential services. There are other optional benefits that states can choose to provide as well. You can check if you qualify based on your income, or you may be eligible for different reasons. Medicaid does not have an open enrollment period; you can apply any time of the year.

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Michelle Fleming is a sophomore at the University of Texas at Austin majoring in Public Health, focusing on biostatistics and informatics and minoring in Health Communications. Michelle is passionate about bridging the gap in health inequalities through advocacy and policy, especially within minority groups.