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How do I sign up for health insurance using Covered California?
Health Insurance

How do I sign up for health insurance using Covered California?

Covered California is California's state-run health insurance exchange. Open enrollment is from November 1st, 2022, to January 31st, 2023. You'll need information like name, birthday, social security number, and income ready. Then have an understanding of what to consider when browsing, such as budget and health needs. Then you can pick the plan that's best for you.

Regine Roquia
Regine Roquia4 Nov 2022
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How Do I Sign Up for an ACA Plan in New York?
Health Insurance

How Do I Sign Up for an ACA Plan in New York?

For New York, have your information ready, keep in mind your budget, and understand what options are best for your needs. You can apply online, over the phone, or with a broker (at no charge to you). Open enrollment for New York is from November 16th, 2022, through January 31st, 2023.

Kendra Bean
Kendra Bean3 Nov 2022
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How Do I Sign Up for an ACA Plan Through The Marketplace for 2024?
Health Insurance

How Do I Sign Up for an ACA Plan Through The Marketplace for 2024?

Have all your information ready, prepare your budget and consider your medical needs, and pick the best option for you.

Michelle Fleming
Michelle Fleming1 Jan 2024
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How Much Does it Cost to See a Podiatrist Without Insurance?
Healthcare Cost

How Much Does it Cost to See a Podiatrist Without Insurance?

Self-pay podiatry visits typically range from $60 to $400 for initial consultations, while treatments and surgeries can cost between $400 and $12,000 depending on the procedure's complexity. Several factors influence these costs, including your location, the specific condition requiring treatment, and the practice setting.

Regine Roquia
Regine Roquia5 Mar 2025
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Treating Seasonal Depression Without Insurance
Healthcare Cost

Treating Seasonal Depression Without Insurance

Light therapy, psychotherapy, and antidepressant treatment methods are commonly used to treat seasonal depression which can come in the winter and spring months as the seasons change.

Kendra Bean
Kendra Bean29 Oct 2022
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Goldfinch Partners with Mira, Next-Generation Health Delivery Network
Press Release

Goldfinch Partners with Mira, Next-Generation Health Delivery Network

New York City-based Goldfinch, a modern healthcare solution for classical musicians, offers members the opportunity to join Mira at a discounted rate. Goldfinch members can now find and receive care through the Mira network receiving discounts on lab tests and prescriptions. They simply have to select a timeframe for their visit from the Mira app’s convenience. Mira offers affordable pricing for all visits with a simple, up-front member copay.

Janelle Campbell
Janelle Campbell29 Oct 2022
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How Long is Cold and Flu Season in The United States?
Public Health

How Long is Cold and Flu Season in The United States?

The cold and flu season in the United States lasts about 4 months, with the major months being November through January.

Michelle Fleming
Michelle Fleming16 Dec 2022
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Should I Get a COVID Booster Shot This Fall?
Public Health

Should I Get a COVID Booster Shot This Fall?

Yes, you should. Studies have shown that the initial vaccine doses lose efficacy over time, and a booster dose will bolster immune responses from the original series of vaccines. 

Shandra Ahsan
Shandra Ahsan31 Oct 2022
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How Much Is A CT Scan Cost With and Without Insurance
Healthcare Cost

How Much Is A CT Scan Cost With and Without Insurance

United States, the average total charge for a CT scan is often listed around $3,000 or higher, but many patients only pay $300 to $800 out of pocket, especially if they have insurance or get the scan at an outpatient facility. Below, you’ll find current average CT scan costs by body part, typical CPT codes, and tips for reducing your bill.

Sophie Wei
Sophie Wei26 Feb 2025
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How Much Does it Cost to Treat Syphilis Without insurance?
Sexual Health

How Much Does it Cost to Treat Syphilis Without insurance?

The lifetime cost of treating syphilis in the United States averages $1,190 without insurance. Testing for syphilis is done by a blood test and can be screened on its own or through an STD test panel. Without insurance, the cost of testing ranges from $10-350. Syphilis is easily curable if diagnosed and treated early. Without treatment, syphilis can present life-threatening risks.

Regine Roquia
Regine Roquia25 Oct 2022
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How Much Does it Cost to Treat Kidney Stones without Insurance
Healthcare Cost

How Much Does it Cost to Treat Kidney Stones without Insurance

Some kidney stones can be treated with hydration and pain management if uncomplicated and small. If you find that you need surgery for kidney stone removal, your treatment can cost anywhere from $3,304-$12,525 without insurance.

Sophie Wei
Sophie Wei24 Oct 2022
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How Much Does a Tonsillectomy Cost Without Insurance in 2024?
Healthcare Cost

How Much Does a Tonsillectomy Cost Without Insurance in 2024?

The cost of a tonsillectomy for ages 12+ ranges from $1,500 to $3,500 without insurance while the procedure costs between $1,500 - $4,000 for those under the age of 12.

Michelle Fleming
Michelle Fleming1 Jan 2024
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